FWCP Peace PEA-F20-F-2948
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This study was successful in gaining an understanding of the seasonal movements and unique reproductive strategies of adult Lake Trout in Williston Reservoir. In order to further understand the potential impacts of Lake Trout expansion on native Bull Trout populations, future research should investigate the movements, habitat use patterns and feeding habits of juvenile and sub-adult Lake Trout and Bull Trout in the reservoir.
Author: Culling B., T. Euchner, T. Ward, S. Cooke
Old Reference Number: PEA-F20-F-2948
Old Reference System: FWCP Fish Wildlife Compensation Program - Peace
Date Published: Mar 2020
Report ID: 59036
Audience: Government and Public
Over the life of the project, 917,090 Lake Trout detections were recorded in all 3 reaches. Results indicated that adult Peace Reach Lake Trout made consistent westward seasonal movements to the west end of the Peace Reach during early to mid summer and made corresponding eastward movements back to the east portion of the Peace Reach in late October and early November, effectively vacating the eastern 80 km of the reach for a three month period from August through October.
The majority of transmitter-implanted Peace Reach Lake Trout concentrated in the vicinity of Mount Selwyn between September 21 and October 15 of each year. Field investigations conducted during the spawning periods of 2017, 2018, and 2019, confirmed the presence of spawning activity, which appeared to peak during the first week in October. Underwater video transects were used to identify and delineate zones of highly suitable sediment-free substrate, patrolled by high densities of mature male Lake Trout in spawning condition, within the 22-30 m depth interval.
Report Type
Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information |
Fish Species - Lake Trout (Char) - Salvelinus namaycush |
Region - Peace |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Conservation Biology |
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