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Muskwa-Kechika Wildlife Management Plan Part B: Technical Manual August 2009 Johnstone, Pierre
Abstract: The Strategic Document of the Muskwa-Kechika Wildlife Management Plan (M-KWMP) (Part A) is a local strategic plan for all activities in the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area (M-KMA) that affect or respect wildlife and/or wildlife management. The broad purpose of the M-KWMP is: to provide a management framework for maintaining the abundance and diversity of indigenous wildlife and their habitat in the context of human activities and uses. Over time, the range of other local strategic plans of the M-KMA and the various specific operational instruments that sanction specific uses affecting or respecting wildlife will be guided by this local strategic plan for maintaining wildlife. The M-KWMP has two major components: (1) the Strategic Document, which is designed for Ministerial approval and is focussed on presenting wildlife outcomes for which the Province has responsibility, and (2) the Technical Manual, which supports the Strategic Document by providing comprehensive management directions for technical personnel responsible for implementation. The Technical Manual, Part B in the full package of the M-KWMP, contains explicit technical direction and advice with respect to implementation of the Plan, including extensive appendices. Part B is designed to serve as a comprehensive reference to assist in implementing the approved Plan. Part B is referred to as ?the Plan Manual.? To provide strategic direction, a clear and concise document is required that is appropriate for Ministerial approval as a local strategic plan. To support this first document, a detailed Technical Manual is needed as a reference to guide implementation of the local strategic plan. Together, these documents form the whole wildlife management plan for the M-KMA.
Johnstone, Pierre. 2009. Muskwa-Kechika Wildlife Management Plan Part B: Technical Manual August 2009. Ministry of Environment
Topic: Conservation & Management (Wildlife, Fish, Plant)
Keywords: bc, british columbia, wildlife values, ecological approach, technical wildlife management directions, wildlife-human conflict, habitat management
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Puma concolor, Gulo gulo, Grus canadensis, Asio flammeus, Ursus americanus, Odocoileus hemionus, Bos bison athabascae, Bos bison bison, Cervus canadensis, Martes americana, Lynx canadensis, Falco peregrinus anatum, Dendroica tigrina, Oporornis agilis, Oreamnos americanus, Castor canadensis, Odocoileus virginianus, Dendroica virens, Martes pennanti, Lontra canadensis, Alces alces, Canis latrans, Ursus arctos, Rangifer tarandus, Canis lupus
ISBN: 978-0-7726-6239-2 English Name: Black-throated Green Warbler, Elk, Caribou, Moose, Grey Wolf, Mule Deer, Lynx, White-tailed Deer, Black Bear, Fisher, Connecticut Warbler, Peregrine Falcon, Anatum Subspecies, Beaver, Wood Bison, Cape May Warbler, Cougar, Mountain Goat, Sandhill Crane, Marten, Grizzly Bear, Plains Bison, Wolverine, Coyote, River Otter, Short-eared Owl
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