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Fertilizing forests in the interior of British Columbia - an update BC Forest Service - Research Division
Abstract: On February 6th and 7th, 1980, a workshop meeting was held in Kamloops to discuss the topic "Fertilizing forests in the interior of British Columbia - an assessment of research needs". A total of 34 persons attended, including 23 Ministry of Forests representatives from Victoria and various Regions. Also present were five foresters from private companies, three participants from UBC, two researchers representing the Canadian Forestry Service, and one member of Agriculture Canada. Approximately half of the group were forest managers, and the remainder were researchers from several different agencies. Formal presentations and workshop discussions were used to examine forest managers' information needs related to fertilizing, and to explore the means for researchers to accommodate these requirements. Recommendations resulting from this meeting are as follows: 1. Because the Ministry of Forests is ultimately accountable for management of most forest land in the Province, this agency must provide leadership in developing a fertilizer research program for interior tree species. The Ministry would therefore control, coordinate and supervise all experimental projects and provide most funding by direct involvement in field activities, by reimbursing approved company participation according to Section 88 of the Forest Act, and by offering research grants to universities and other cooperators. 2. An interagency research committee should be established, having a Ministry of Forests representative as Chairman, and involving staff from private companies, Canadian Forestry Service, and UBC. This committee should be small (for efficiency), expert (for credibility), and committed to designing experiments according to acceptable scientific standards and providing overall continuity to the program. 3. To demonstrate enthusiasm for this program, and to ensure its efficient organization, the Research Branch, Ministry of Forests, should appoint qualified professional staff to: (a) Define precisely the terms of reference of the proposed inter-agency committee, and undertake its formation and chairmanship. (b) Assislin preparation of literature reviews, problem analyses, and working plans, according to reqUirements identified by the committee. (c) Provide overall control, coordination, supervision, and continuity. (d) Maintain liaison with Regional researchers and operations foresters, and with fertilizer cooperatives such as the Interprovincial Forest Fertilization Program, the Regional Forest Nutrition Research Project (University of Washington) and the Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative (University of Idaho). In accordance with recommendation #3, the Research Branch is presently arranging to hire two foresters with post-graduate experience in forest fertilizing and tree nutrition. Lorne Morrow obtained his Bachelor'S degree in forestry from the University of New Brunswick, and subsequently studied for a Master's degree at the Lakehead University, specializing in the nutrient status and fertilizer responses of jack pine. Lorne is presentiy working with the Ministry of Forests silvicuiture staff in Prince George, and will relocate to Victoria in mid-May. Rob Brockley completed his B.S.F. from U.B.C. in 1976, and worked for Tahsis Co. for one year before returning to university to undertake a Master's program. Under the supervision of Dr. T.M. Ballard, Rob is completing his thesis dealing with nutrition of Douglas-fir seedlings in relation to irrigation treatments, and he will be joining Research Branch on July 2nd. Lorne and Rob will initially cooperate in Victoria to organize and manage an appropriate interagency research committee, and will produce a working plan for implementation in 1981. It is anticipated they will both relocate to the interior next spring, or earlier if necessary, with one person being based in Vernon and the other person being based at Red Rock. From these locations, thle will m ...
BC Forest Service - Research Division. 1980. Fertilizing forests in the interior of British Columbia - an update. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. Research Memo (FLNRORD). RM-A
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: FLNRORD, Research Memo, British Columbia
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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