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Interfor Adams Lake OGMA summaries for the Adams Lake and Lower Adams Lake landscape units Keystone Wildlife Research
Abstract: Innovative Forest Practices Agreement (IFPA) in 1997. The Adams Lake IFPA Old Growth Management Areas (OGMA) selections incorporated data from a variety of sources. One of the most versatile and valuable inputs was the Terrestrial Ecosystem Map (TEM) completed for the IFPA in 1999. The TEM provided information at a scale of 1:20,000 for the entire IFPA to a site series level. It allowed for the creation of a detailed inventory of different ecosystem types, both forested and non-forested. The IFPA integrates information from inventories (such as Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping) and Provincial resource management programs (such as biodiversity planning) into new and innovative forestry practices. One of the elements of biodiversity planning is the selection of Old Growth Management Areas (OGMA). According to the Landscape Unit Planning Guide (LUPG 1999), the establishment of OGMAs is the most important component of the Forest Practises Code for managing the conservation of biological diversity. The LUPG presents four criteria that should be considered when doing landscape unit planning to ensure that the most critical biodiversity elements are captured. The criteria include: ?capturing rare old growth site series within OGMAs, where their locations are known or where it can easily be determined that certain site series are absent or under-represented in the non-contributing (N) land base, capturing these in OGMAs delineated in the timber harvesting land base (THLB); ??creating OGMAs large enough to provide old growth in interior (more than 200 m from any edge) condition; consider, where suitable, clustering OGMAs along landscape unit (LU) boundaries to increase forest interior and connectivity; and, consulting with adjacent districts and regions where common boundaries exist in order to locate OGMAs to maximise their connectivity value. The OGMA selections in the IFPA were carried out in direct consultation with the Ministry of Environment, Land and Parks (now MSRM). They aimed to capture sites that were of ecological significance while minimising the impact to the timber harvesting landbase to 4% or less, as is mandated in the Kamloops LRMP. This report summarises the attributes of the Adams Lake and Lower Adams LUs and the OGMAs selected within each.
Keystone Wildlife Research. 2002. Interfor Adams Lake OGMA summaries for the Adams Lake and Lower Adams Lake landscape units. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2002MR026
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: old-growth forest, management area, OGMA, Adams Lake
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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