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Deactivation of the M7 road system Loup Creek Drainage, South Island Forest District: project completion abstract Pollmer, A.

Abstract: The M7 road system was constructed +30 years ago using bulldozer construction, as was common during that era. There had been road prism failures in several places along the road system. Prior to this project there was high potential for additional failures in the road prism and downslope. This project involved deactivating a portion of the road system. It was done to improve the road prism and downslope stability, and to return subsurface and surface runoff to pre-road conditions. The M7 Road system is located along upper elevations of a ridge, which acts as a watershed divide between the Gordon River Basin and the McClure River Basin. The area sediment consists predominately of a till that is comprised of a sand-silt matrix, which host 30% to 40% gravel to boulders rock material. Veneer colluvium is present in areas dominated by bedrock. The deactivated roads are approximately 30 year old and as customary for that period road construction was performed as cut and fill, often creating an over-steepened road shoulder. Excavated bedrock had the surplus rock sidecast, which was mixed with woody debris. The deactivation area has a limited catchment and thus a low volume runoff, as it is located near the summit of the ridge. The resulting creeks have low peak volumes with the exception of one creek located on M7J at Sta. 0+630 Some fillslope failures have occurred along sections of over-steepened sidecast..
Pollmer, A.. 2002. Deactivation of the M7 road system Loup Creek Drainage, South Island Forest District: project completion abstract. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2002MR030
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: road deactivation
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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