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Sustainable mixedwood management in the sub-boreal spruce zone of British Columbia Dewhurst, Stephen
Abstract: The purpose of this project was to build upon previous work aimed at improving Aboriginal involvement in the forest management planning process in BC. This past work produced the Aboriginal Forest Planning Process (AFPP) (Karjala et al., in press), a procedure for identifying local level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. The present research (2002-2003) represents a continued evaluation of the Aboriginal Forest Planning Process (AFPP) Guidebook. This evaluation included the application of the AFPP approach in three First Nation communities (Little Shuswap Band, Williams Lake Band, and Tl?azt?en Nations), and a final evaluation survey distributed to 29 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal expert reviewers. Overall, the evaluations revealed that the AFPP was a useful and important approach for compiling and communicating First Nations forest values. Challenges related to the application of the AFPP and barriers to implementation were also identified. Training and extension activities were also completed. The basic elements of the AFPP approach are potentially relevant to community forests, co-managed forests, and other emerging tenure and management arrangements. Consequently, it can play an important role in achieving the goals of sustainable forest management and forest certification. Future research should focus on applying the AFPP in more First Nations communities, and potentially extending the process to other stakeholder groups. Stephen Dewhurst, Erin Sherry, Melanie Karjala.
Dewhurst, Stephen, Sherry, Erin; Karjala, Melanie; University of Northern British Columbia. 2003. Sustainable mixedwood management in the sub-boreal spruce zone of British Columbia. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2003MR227
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Indians, North, America, British, Columbia
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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