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Growth and yield and wood quality in a SBS mixedwood stand after stand density management: annual operational report (2002/2003) Balliet, Nicole
Abstract: Interest in managing broadleaf and mixedwood stands has grown. The alternative to mixedwood management, is the current practice of eliminating the broadleaf stand component. There is little information on how to manage these productive stands. The project will determine the relationship between stand density and i) wood quality, ii) white pine weevil and wood quality, and iii) growth and yield. Results will modify existing policy, provide cost-benefit information by treatment, foster better site utilization, and enhance structural and species diversity. Outcomes should facilitate forest certification. A strategic plan for SBS mixedwoods will be available by 31 March. Nicole Balliet, Tracy Murray, Ian Hartley.
Balliet, Nicole, Murray, Tracy; Hartley, Ian; University of Northern British Columbia. 2003. Growth and yield and wood quality in a SBS mixedwood stand after stand density management: annual operational report (2002/2003). Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2003MR286
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Hardwoods, British, Columbia, Quality, Growth
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ISBN:  English Name: 
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