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Evaluation of Douglas-fir leave-tree retention practices in central British Columbia: annual operational report (2002/2003) Hawkins, Christopher David
Abstract: There is inconsistent survival of Douglas-fir leave trees within variable retention or clear cut with reserve silviculture systems in the Prince George TSA. The trees are left to help maintain biodiversity and forest structure. This maintains Douglas-fir on the landscape and conserves important wildlife habitat. High leave tree mortality places the objectives in jeopardy. The study will i) determine whether mortality is random or non random (the latter can be correlated to specific factors or conditions), ii) identify silviculture practices that can reduce leave tree mortality; and iii) evaluate the contribution of live and dead Douglas-fir to wildlife habitat. A mortality Risk Index assessment for leave trees will also be designed. The outcomes will support five objectives in the service plans of the three natural resource based provincial ministries. Chris Hawkins, Bruce Rogers.
Hawkins, Christopher David, Rogers, Bruce; University of Northern British Columbia. 2003. Evaluation of Douglas-fir leave-tree retention practices in central British Columbia: annual operational report (2002/2003). Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2003MR287
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Pseudotsuga, Menziesii, British, Columbia, Habitat, (Ecology)
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ISBN:  English Name: 
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