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Shelterwood silvicultural systems to address integrated resource management issues Waterhouse, Michaela J.

Abstract: This project links two long-term, shelterwood silvicultural systems trials in BC. Although the trials were initiated for different reasons, visual constraints and root disease in the ICH, and species conversion in the SBS, there are similar goals and treatments in the trials. Both trials examine shelterwood harvesting systems (basal area retention, type of removal, marking) and regeneration success which will influence stocking and free growing policy standards. The SBS trial, initiated in 1990, was designed to attain natural Douglas-fir regeneration through the use of uniform shelterwood silvicultural systems. The ICH trial was initiated in 1993 because a significant percentage of the landbase was being harvested with partial retention systems to meet guidelines for visual, ungulate habitat and other values. There are serious management questions about the productivity, regeneration, and future health of these forests, especially as a large portion of the area is infected with root disease such as Armillaria ostoyae and Inonotus tomentosus. Michaela Waterhouse et. al.
Waterhouse, Michaela J., Newsome, Teresa A.; Arsenault, Andre. 2006. Shelterwood silvicultural systems to address integrated resource management issues. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2006MR243
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Forest, Investment, Account, (FIA), Silvicultural, Systems, British, Columbia
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ISBN:  English Name: 
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