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Biologically based riparian management practices for Pope & Talbot?s TFL 23: version 1.0 Steeger, Christoph
Abstract: Pope & Talbot Ltd. is committed to sustainable forest management planning (SFMP) on its management units in British Columbia. This commitment is articulated in an SFM framework that outlines criteria and indicators intended to measure the concurrent sustainability of ecological, economic and social values. A criterion of sustainable forest management is the maintenance of biological richness (as a surrogate for biological diversity) and its associated values. Within this criterion are 3 indicators, the second of which is: The amount, distribution, and heterogeneity of terrestrial and aquatic habitat types, elements and structure important to sustain biological richness are maintained over time. Associated with this indicator are 6 subindicators that describe habitat elements found in terrestrial forested ecosystems that are hypothesized to be most important for the sustainability of biological richness. These habitat elements are (adapted from Bunnell et al. 1999): 1. Large snags (>20 cm DBH) 2. Coarse woody debris (CWD) 3. Shrub abundance 4. Hardwoods 5. Old forest 6. Riparian habitats This project addresses the habitat element ?riparian?, with the goal of providing operational management guidelines that are based on the biophysical characteristics of riparian zones and the habitat attributes essential for the sustainability of wildlife species. Our approach involves linking riparian ecosystem units with forest stand types familiar to operational forest planners and practitioners, describing important biological values associated with riparian ecosystems (fish habitat, primary geophysical and geomorphic process, and species-habitat relationships involving key habitat structural conditions and ecological functions) and formulating biologically-based riparian practices involving both ?office? and ?field? procedures. It is recommended Pope & Talbot integrate this approach with on-going development of their Sustainable Forest Management Planning framework, particularly with regards to ecosystem-based approach to managing species-at-risk. prepared by Christoph Steeger and Dennis Hamilton.
Steeger, Christoph, Hamilton, Dennis. 2007. Biologically based riparian management practices for Pope & Talbot?s TFL 23: version 1.0. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2007MR177
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Sustainable, Forest, Management, Plans, (SFMP), BC, Forest, Investment, Account, (FIA)
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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