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Partial Cutting on Steep Slopes, Queen Charlotte Islands: Treatment Regime Effects on Residual Stand Mortality and Growth; Recruitment, Growth and Dynamics of Regeneration; and Non-timber Understory Composition Negrave, Roderick W.

Abstract: Some changes to the originally approved project will be necessary. These changes are felt necessary and reflect stand conditions observed during inspections of the site during 2006. Landslides and massive windthrow is more common on these sites than initially thought. Many of the original grid-point locations for sampling have been destroyed. Contractor availability and cost were also found to be an issue in 2006. Costs to complete measurement of the trial are likely to be greater than initially estimated. Therefore, some scaling back of sampling will be necessary to keep within the approved funding level. The original 1992 design of this study used 3.99m radius plots at each of the 25 grid points to sample overstory and this design was suggested in the approved plan for this project in 2006. However, this plot size is likely too small to capture the degree of variability observed in the current stands. Instead, 12.5 m radium (0.05 ha) plots will be used to sample the over story. Twenty of these larger plots will be randomly located within each treatment replicate at the grid points. All trees 12.5 cm dbh and larger will be tallied for species, dbh and health indicators. Increment cores will be extracted from three trees of each species present in a plot and removed to determine radial growth since treatment. Height will be recorded for up to 10 of the largest, by dbh, trees per species. It was noted that large numbers of naturally regenerated seedlings and saplings are present on these sites. This natural regeneration is almost exclusively western hemlock. Very few of the originally planted and tagged western redcedar and sitka spruce have survived. Each of the 40 grid point location where regeneration was planted will be visited. Where found, planted individuals of these species will be measured and recorded as per the original plan, however, it may not be possible to complete some of the originally described statistics due to low numbers and the presence of empty cells in the design (see below). Natural regeneration will be tallied at each of 25 - 30 locations per treatment replicate where artificial regeneration was planted using random selection. A 3.99 m radius plot will be used to tally saplings 12.5 cm dbh to 1.3 m in height, as per the original plan. Regeneration less than 1.3 m in height will be measured as originally described. Understory species will be measured at each of the natural regeneration plots using the originally described methods. Windthrow assessments will likely proceed according to the original plan. However, due to the danger to workers posed the presence of large piles of windthrown trees on the steep slopes, some modification of the original methodology may occur. Should this modification be necessary, established methods currently used by FERIC to assess windthrow will be followed as closely as possible.
Negrave, Roderick W.. 2008. Partial Cutting on Steep Slopes, Queen Charlotte Islands: Treatment Regime Effects on Residual Stand Mortality and Growth; Recruitment, Growth and Dynamics of Regeneration; and Non-timber Understory Composition. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2008MR145
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Forest, Investment, Account, (FIA), British, Columbia
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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