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LLEMS-Resample Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) Established in 2003 Hanna, Paul
Abstract: We collected field data to determine recruitement rates and patterns of natural regeneration following aggregate and dispersed variable retention management (VMR) regimes in the very wet maritime coastal western hemlock zone (CWHvm) of North Coast, British Columbia. Data were also intended to provide empirical data for the evaluation of LLEMS_NatRegen, a regeneration submodel designed to estimate spatial patterns of natural regeneration within the Landscape Ecosystem Management Simulator (LLEMS). Results suggest that recruitement rates following both aggregated and dispersed retention were adequte to fully regenerate recently harvested sites. For example, five years following harvest we found approximately 41875, 1750, 5500 and 625 stems/ha for Hw, Ba, Cw, and Ss in aggregated retention sites, and approximately 10000, 0, 2500, and 500 stems/ha, for Hw, Ba, Cw, and Ss, respectively, for dispersed retention sites. We found a relatively homogeneous spatial pattern of natural regeneration across the harvest sites, suggesting that both advanced regeneration, and seed dispersal, provide reliable means for natually regenerating the sampled VRM landscapes. Seedling establishment was higher than expected in aggregated sites based on the current dispersal function in LLEMS_NatRegen. Recommendations were made to alleviate discrepancies found in the formulation of the LLEMS_NatRegen submodel and to assure better overall modeling estimates.
Hanna, Paul, Manhas, Satnam S.; Duchesneau, Robin; Seely, Brad A.. 2008. LLEMS-Resample Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) Established in 2003. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2008MR408
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Forest, Investment, Account, (FIA), British, Columbia
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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