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1410 km on the 1400 rd Culvert Replacement Project Wick, Johanna

Abstract: The previous crossing structure, located 1300m upstream of the confluence to Chehischic Creek, was a failing 800mm Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP). There was no fisheries information available for this tributary and upon fish sampling no fish were caught. However, due to the downstream connection to fish bearing waters the reach was defaulted to fish bearing. The CMP lacked sufficient embedment and constricted the channel flow. The unnamed tributary was deemed to have marginal fish habitat. As the CMP was determined to be a full barrier to fish movement within the stream, the crossing received a high ranking under the FPCI scoring matrix, thus eligibility for funding pending FIA approval.
Wick, Johanna. 2010. 1410 km on the 1400 rd Culvert Replacement Project. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2010MR015
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Forest, Investment, Account, (FIA), British, Columbia
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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