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Fisheries Resources and Fisheries Potential of Williston Reservoir and Its Tributary Streams - Volume II: Fisheries Resources Potential of Williston Lake Tributaries - A Preliminary Overview Bruce, P.G
Abstract: In 1975, a study of the Williston Lake fisheries resource was initiated by the Fisheries Research and Technical Services Section, B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch. This study was one component of the Williston Potentials Study co-ordinated by the Environment and Land Use Committee (ELUC) Secretatiat. An integral part of the fisheries study was to survey streams in the reservoir watershed. The two major objectives were to (1) locate and describe important spawning areas in tributaries and evaluate reproductive and rearing capacity for stream resident and reservoir fishes, and (2) determine fish species diversity and distribution.
Bruce, P.G, Starr, P.J.. 1985. Fisheries Resources and Fisheries Potential of Williston Reservoir and Its Tributary Streams - Volume II: Fisheries Resources Potential of Williston Lake Tributaries - A Preliminary Overview. Ministry of Environment. Fisheries Technical Circular. FTC69. Vol. 2
Topic: Fish and Fish Habitats
Keywords: habitat, Williston Lake, Parsnip River, Finlay River, Peace River, growth, parasites, Rainbow trout, Peamouth, Mountain whitefish, Dolly Varden, Northern squawfish, Pikeminnow, Redside shiner, Largescale sucker, Prickly sculpin, Slimy sculpin, Arctic grayling, Lake whitefish, Longnose sucker, Lake chub, Burbot
ISSN: 0229-1150 Scientific Name: Lota lota, Prosopium williamsoni, Couesius plumbeus, Coregonus clupeaformis, Mylocheilus caurinus, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oeneis bore, Catostomus catostomus, Salvelinus malma, Cottus cognatus, Cottus asper, Ptychocheilus oregonensis, Catostomus macrocheilus, Richardsonius balteatus
ISBN: 0-7726-0441-X English Name: Mountain Whitefish, Prickly Sculpin, Pikeminnow, Longnose Sucker, Rainbow Trout, Burbot, Largescale Sucker, Dolly Varden, Lake Whitefish, Peamouth, Lake Chub, Arctic Grayling, Redside Shiner, Slimy Sculpin
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