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Habitat Description and Fish Population Estimates in Sowaqua Creek During 1977, Relative to Steelhead Enhancement Opportunities Sebastian, D. C.
Abstract: This report documents the initial studies of Sowaqua Creek that were undertaken during 1977. The studies involved determination of habitat types, physical characteristics (water temperatures, discharges, gradient, obstructions to fish passage), species of fish present, age class distributions and age specific population estimates of rainbow trout (steelhead). The objective was to determine the steelhead production capabilities and factors limiting present production, and to investigate the likelihood of colonization as a possible future enhancement project.
Sebastian, D. C.. 1978. Habitat Description and Fish Population Estimates in Sowaqua Creek During 1977, Relative to Steelhead Enhancement Opportunities. Fish and Wildlife Branch. Fisheries Report. FRN301
Topic: Fish and Fish Habitats
Keywords: Sowaqua Creek, steelhead, rainbow trout, enhancement, management, growth, size, biomass
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss
ISBN:  English Name: Rainbow Trout
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