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Lewis's Woodpecker Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks
Abstract: With its greenish-black back, pink belly, grey collar and red face, Lewis’s Woodpecker is easy to recognize. It is a fairly large woodpecker. Its body is 26 to 29 centimetres long, its wingspan is about 50 centimetres and it weighs 100 to 120 grams. The male is slightly larger than the female. Lewis’s Woodpeckers are quiet birds, except for the occasional harsh “churrrr” call. Most woodpeckers have a “bounding” flight, meaning that they lift and fall with each wingbeat, but Lewis’s Woodpecker flies in a steady, even line like a crow. This flight pattern, together with its dark colouring, has earned it the nickname “crow woodpecker.”
Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. 1998. Lewis's Woodpecker. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Wildlife at Risk Factsheet
Topic: Species and Ecosystems at Risk
Keywords: species at risk, sara, woodpecker, lewis's woodpecker
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Melanerpes lewis
ISBN:  English Name: Lewis's Woodpecker
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