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Status of the Bay-breasted Warbler in British Columbia Cooper, J.M.
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Abstract: The Bay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea) is a forest-interior, neotropical migrant songbird that is essentially restricted in British Columbia to the Boreal Plains and Taiga Plains ecoprovinces. In British Columbia, because populations are very sparsely distributed within a limited range, it is a rare species. Its distribution is linked with the distribution of mature or old-growth white spruce and mixedwood stands, and appears to be linked also with the distribution and timing of spruce budworm infestations. Because its distribution and populations may be influenced to a large extent by spruce budworm outbreaks, Baybreasted Warbler habitat may be more difficult to manage than habitat of other songbird species of concern in the northeast. Although little is known about its biology in British Columbia, harvesting of mature spruce and mixedwood stands is the primary cause for concern. However, habitat loss will become a significant factor mainly in the long term because much of its available habitat is loc
Cooper, J.M., Enns, K.A.; Shepard, M.G.. 1997. Status of the Bay-breasted Warbler in British Columbia. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Species Status Report. WR79
Topic: Species Status
Keywords: bay-breasted warbler, dendroica castanea, species, status, report
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Dendroica castanea
ISBN: 0-7726-2995-1 English Name: Bay-breasted Warbler
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