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Status of the Fisher in British Columbia Weir, R.D.
Abstract: Fishers (Martes pennanti) are medium-sized terrestrial carnivores of the Mustelidae family that inhabit forested regions of central and northeastern British Columbia. Although the extent of occurrence of Fishers in the province is widespread, the area of occupancy within this range is probably limited. Fishers have a low reproductive output relative to their lifespan, with adult females typically giving birth to between one and three kits in late winter. Survival of the offspring to the age of dispersal is low and further decreases the effective reproductive output. Natural mortalities within Fisher populations come from a variety of sources, but Fishers have few natural predators, probably because their speed and agility make it difficult for other predators to catch and prey upon them. Humans are the major source of mortality in most studied Fisher populations, primarily from fur trapping. It is unclear as to whether the rate of recruitment into the Fisher population in British Columbia is sufficient to balance the mortality rate, although this balance probably varies both spatially and temporally.
Weir, R.D.. 2003. Status of the Fisher in British Columbia. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection; Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management. Species Status Report. B105
Topic: Species Status
Keywords: martes pennanti, fisher, species, status, report
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Martes pennanti
ISBN: 0-7726-4925-1 English Name: Fisher
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