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Survey of Sportfishing in British Columbia in 1975 Ministry of Environment; Fisheries and Environment Canada
Abstract: This survey was conducted by the Fish and Wildlife Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Victoria, in conjuction with the Recreational Fisheries Branch of the federal Department of Fisheries and Environment. The survey was undertaken to provide information on sportfishing by licensed anglers in the Province, both for the ongoing management and information dissemination purposes of the Fish and Wildlife Branch, as well as to provide the provincial input into the Survey of Sportfishing in Canada in 1975, which was organized and coordinated by the federal Recreational Fisheries Branch. For the nationwide survey, comparable surveys were conducted at the same time by all other provincial sport fisheries agencies across Canada and by several of the regional offices of Fisheries Management of Fisheries and Environment Canada. Accordingly, the information presented in this report should be considered within the context of the overall purposes, nature and scope of the nationwide survey of which it forms a part.
Ministry of Environment; Fisheries and Environment Canada. 1979. Survey of Sportfishing in British Columbia in 1975. Ministry of Environment; Fisheries and Environment Canada. Fisheries Technical Circular. FTC41
Topic: Fish and Fish Habitats
Keywords: fish and wildlife branch, recreational fisheries branch, department of fisheries and environment
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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