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Using Silviculture to Maintain and Enhance Grizzly Bear Habitat in Six Variants of the Prince George Forest Region Beaudry; Leisbet
Abstract: This project was initiated by the Habitat Branch, of the Ministry of the Environment, Lands and Parks (MOELP) to identify silviculture techniques to enhance grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) forage in second growth stands. The project involved adapting existing information from coastal British Columbia by Tony Hamilton, MOELP and others (Appendix 11, B.C. Min. of Forests 2000) to the Prince George Timber Supply Area (PGTSA). The objectives of the project were to: - identify key components of grizzly bear habitat in second growth forests in PGTSA; - identify which site series in the Sub-boreal Spruce (SBS) mk1, wk1 and vk and Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir (ESSF) wk1, wk2 and wc3 biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification variants that are important for grizzly bear habitat; - produce silviculture guidelines to enhance grizzly bear forage for the 6 subzones; and - produce an adaptive management framework to implement guidelines by identifying stand selection and monitoring activities.
Beaudry; Leisbet, Martin, Marnie; Paczkowski, John. 2001. Using Silviculture to Maintain and Enhance Grizzly Bear Habitat in Six Variants of the Prince George Forest Region. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks
Topic: Conservation & Management (Wildlife, Fish, Plant)
Keywords: habitat branch, moelp, silviculture, enhance, grizzly bear, ursus arctos horribilis, forage, second growth
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Ursus arctos
ISBN:  English Name: Grizzly Bear
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