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Kechika Enhancement Project of Northeastern British Columbia Wolf/Ungulate Management 1985-86 Annual Report Elliott, J. P.
Abstract: This report covers work completed fro the Kechika wolf management program for the 1985-86 biological year. Wolves have increased threefold since the termination of management. Ungulate juvenile survival was generally good oversummer and then declined thereafter as wolves immigrated to the Kechika. High juvenile summer survival only partially buffered adult ungulate winter losses to wolves. The blue Jenning, an area of continuously unmanaged wolf numbers, showed a further increase in wolf pack size to over 9 wolves per average pack. Juvenile ungulate survivals were much poorer than the kechika even with wolves rebuilding there.
Elliott, J. P.. 1986. Kechika Enhancement Project of Northeastern British Columbia Wolf/Ungulate Management 1985-86 Annual Report. Ministry of Environment. Wildlife Working Report. WR-20
Topic: Conservation & Management (Wildlife, Fish, Plant)
Keywords: wolf, ungulate, management, Kechika
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Rangifer tarandus, Alces alces, Oreamnos americanus, Cervus canadensis
ISBN:  English Name: Elk, Caribou, Mountain Goat, Moose
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