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Sasquatch Park: Forest Health and Thinning Study in Bench Campground Mason, Adrienne
Abstract: A typical cedar-hemlock stand of the Coastal Western Hemlock Dry Maritime subzone (CWHdm) surrounds Bench Campground in Sasquatch Park. The stand is now 50 to 60 years old. However, it can be seen that the climax stand will consist mainly of coastal western hemlock with a lesser western red cedar component and some scattered Douglas-fir on the drier sites and microsites. Presently, there is a large birch component that originated before most of the standing conifers. However, because hardwoods have a shorter life span than conifers, and because the developing conifers are shading them out, the birch component is beginning to die off.
Mason, Adrienne, Hung, Karin. 2000. Sasquatch Park: Forest Health and Thinning Study in Bench Campground. Ministry of Environment
Topic: Conservation & Management (Ecosystems-Habitat)
Keywords: thinning, study, bench campground, sasquatch park, hardwoods, birch, douglas fir, coastal western hemlock, western red cedar
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Thuja plicata, Tsuga heterophylla, Betula papyrifera var. papyrifera, Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii
ISBN:  English Name: Western Hemlock, Paper Birch, Western Redcedar, Coast Douglas-fir
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