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Final Report of the Minister's Advisory Panel on Contaminated Sites Eriksson, Margaret
Abstract: In May 2002, the Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection, appointed an Advisory Panel on Contaminated Sites to review Part 4 of the Waste Management Act (?Act?) and the Contaminated Sites Regulation (?CSR? or ?Regulation?). In particular, the Panel was asked to review several key components of the contaminated sites system and to make ?actionable? recommendations that would become the basis of a new policy framework for regulating contaminated sites in British Columbia. A primary consideration for the Panel was the Government?s commitment to creating an efficient, effective, performance-based regime that would focus public resources on sites that pose ahigh risk to human health and the environment. Areas reviewed by the Panel included issues associated with liability principles, funding mechanisms, government administration, standards and best practices in other jurisdictions.
Eriksson, Margaret, Lloyd, Peter; Sager, John; Konasewich, Dennis;. 2003. Final Report of the Minister's Advisory Panel on Contaminated Sites. BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection
Keywords: Advisory Panel, Contaminated Sites
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ISBN:  English Name: 
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