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Abstract / Details
Municipal Sewage Regulation Environmental Impact Study Guideline - A Companion Document to the Municipal Sewage Regulation Pollution Prevention and Remediation Branch
Abstract: This Guideline should be used as a companion document to the Municipal Sewage Regulation (MSR). Dischargers are advised to ensure their familiarity with the requirements of the MSR. Discharges must be registered in accordance with the MSR and dischargers are advised to undertake a number of pre-registration activities. While it is recommended that an Environmental Impact Study for the discharge and the facility be undertaken as part of the pre-registration activities, note that it must be completed at least 90 days prior to commencement of construction of any facility.
Pollution Prevention and Remediation Branch. 2000. Municipal Sewage Regulation Environmental Impact Study Guideline - A Companion Document to the Municipal Sewage Regulation. BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks
Keywords: Municipal Sewage Regulation, Environmental Impact Study
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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