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Phosphorus Loading to Okanagan Lake From Dustfall and Precipitation BC Ministry of Environment and Parks
Abstract: Contribution of phosphorus from dustfall and precipitation to Okanagan lakes was first evaluated during the Okanagan Basin Study. Results of this study indicated that phosphorus from the atmopshere could form a significant portion of the nutrient load to shallow lakes such as Wood, south basin of Osoyoos and headwater lakes. A review and update during the Okanagan Basin Implementation Study noted spatial and temporal variability in airborne phosphorus durin a short study and contamination of collectors which reduced loading estimate accuracy.
BC Ministry of Environment and Parks. 1988. Phosphorus Loading to Okanagan Lake From Dustfall and Precipitation. BC Ministry of Environment and Parks
Keywords: Phosphorus, Okanagan, Lages, Dustfall, Precipitation
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ISBN:  English Name: 
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