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Proceedings of the workshop: applying 15 years of Carnation Creek results
Chamberlin, T.W.
Workshop held January 13-15, 1987, Nanaimo British Columbia, Canada. This proceedings, representing 17 years of results from the Carnation Creek watershed study, contains 17 technical papers about the physical and biological processes of the Carnation Creek ecosystem. These papers represent the scientist's viewpoint of results and their implications. After each session of technical papers, the proceedings contain thoughtful commentaries from 6 panels of fish and forest agency staff and forest industry representatives. These commentaries present the practical, and often blunt, opinions of the usefulness of the technical papers in real life, with the final panel adding viewpoints from the United States perspective. I hope that readers will carefully examine these audience comments. Our plans for the future as scientists and managers must rest on the reality of actual communication, not what we think people "ought to know". Appendix 1 contains additional comments on this topic by Gordon Hartman. Finally, the verbatim questions and answers of the audience to each session of technical papers and panelists are also included so that the extent of understanding or uncertainties is preserved. The technical papers summarize an enormous range of new knowledge, ranging from upstream water and sediment transport processes to consequences in the estuary environment. They also illustrate large gaps in our knowledge such as the necessary recovery time for disturbed alluvial channel stabilization and valley bottom groundwater levels. If anything, the Carnation Creek experience has confirmed that 17 years is indeed a very short time span with respect to documenting the cumulative effects of forest harvesting on a small, relatively stable coastal watershed. The synthesis by Gordon Hartman in the final session underscores the care we must take in drawing apparently "simple" conclusions.
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in 31 parts - Front Matter - cover to page viii
The Carnation Creek Experimental Watershed: a Description and History from 1970 to 1986 - J.C. Scrivener - page 1 to page 10
Runoff and the Channel Environment - Moderator: D. Handley - Hydrology and Logging in the Carnation Creek Watershed - What Have We Learned? - E.D. Hetherington - page 11 to page 15
Stream Channel Morphology Changes Since Logging - L.H. Powell - page 16 to page 25
A Summary of the Effects of Streamside Logging Treatments on Organic Debris in Carnation Creek - C.D. Harris - page 26 to page 30
Panel Discussion - R. Willington, D. Toews, R. Cerenzia, T. Pendray - page 31 to page 36
Questions - Moderator: D. Handley - page 37 to page 45
Sediment and Gravel - Moderator: R. Morley - Sediment Loads From 1973 to 1984 08HB048 Carnation Creek at the Mouth, British Columbia - B.L. Tassone - page 46 to page 58
Changes in Composition of the Streambed Between 1973 and 1985 and the Impacts on Salmonids in Carnation Creek - J.C. Scrivener - page 59 to page 65
Panel Discussion - R. Jordens, R. Kosik, N. lemon - page 66 to page 69
Questions - Moderator: R Morley - page 70 to page 74
The Food Chain - Moderator: Dr. C. Levings - Changes in Concentration of Dissolved Ions During 16 Years at Carnation Creek, British Columbia - J.C. Scrivener - page 75 to page 80
The Autotrophic Community Response to Logging in Carnation Creek, British Columbia: a Six Year Perspective - J.G Stockner and K.S. Shortreed - page 81 to page 86
The Effect of Streambank Clearcutting on the Benthic Invertebrates of Carnation Creek, British Columbia - J.M. Culp - page 87 to page 92
Some Implications of Vegetative Changes Induced by Forest Management - R.B. Smith, W. Hays and R.K. King - page 93 to page 98
Panel Discussion - A.D. de Leeuw, J. Lamb, J. Dryburg - page 99 to page 103
Questions - Moderator: C. Levings - page 104 to page 107
Rearing Habitat Utilization - Moderator: T. Northcote - Winter Ecology of Juvenile Coho Salmon in Carnation Creek: Summary of Findings and Management Implications - T.G. Brown and T. McMahon - page 108 to page 117
The Effects of Logging on Stream Temperatures at Carnation Creek - L.B. Holtby - page 118 to page 122
The Use of Estuaries as Rearing Habitats by Juvenile Coho Salmon - P.J. Tschaplinski - page 123 to page 142
Panel Discussion - R. Harris, D.N. Woodgate, D.C. Morrison - page 143 to page 146
Questions - Moderator: T. Northcote - page 147 to page 149
Fish Population Response - Moderator: G. Taylor - A Summary of the Population Responses of Chum Salmon to Logging in Carnation Creek, British Columbia Between 1970 and 1986 - J.C. Scrivener - page 150 to page 158
The Effects of Logging on the Coho Salmon of Carnation Creek, British Columbia - L.B. Holtby - page 159 to page 174
Some Preliminary Comments on Results of Studies of Trout Biology and Logging Impacts in Carnation Creek - G.F. Hartman - page 175 to page 180
Panel Discussion - D. Callas, M. Whately, R. Higgens - page 181 to page 183
Questions - Moderator: G. Taylor - page 184 to page 188
Synthesis - Moderator: G. Ainscough Carnation Creek, 15 Years of Fisheries-forestry Work, Bridges from Research to Management - G.F. Hartman - page 189 to page 204
Panel Discussion - G. Ainscough, V.A. Poulin, J. Cederholm, P. Bisson, J. Sedell, D.W. Narver - page 205 to page 217
Questions - Moderator: G. Ainscough - page 218 to page 222
Concluding Message and Appendices - page 223 to end

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