Document Details

Precipitation and runoff characteristics, Queen Charlotte Islands
Hogan, D.L.
The report provides a regional evaluation of precipitation and streamflow on the Queen Charlotte Islands. All available hydrometeorological data were consolidated from federal and provincial government agencies. The Queen Charlotte Islands were stratified into regions with homogeneous precipitation regimes. This regionalization was then used to develop relationships between monthly runoff and monthly precipitation. Frequency analyses for large magnitude rainstorms and runoff events are presented and used to determine the relationship between storm runoff and storm precipitation. For design purposes, where no data exists for storm precipitation characterisitics, a statistically significant relationship for estimating mean annual peak flows, based upon watershed properties and mean annual precipitation, is presented. Standard hydrology analyses are used. The relationships presented in the paper are statistically significant. However, limitation noted in the report indicated that long-term hydrometeorological data must be collected for the Queen Charlotte Islands so that more reliable precipitation-runoff relationships and more confident return period estimates can be developed.
Report Number
complete document LMR060
in 3 parts - LMR060 part 1
in 3 parts - LMR060 part 2
in 3 parts - LMR060 part 3

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