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Project completion abstract for environmental maintenance projects (roads activity area) and road deactivation, landslide and gully rehabilitation (terrestrial activity area): environmental maintenance and permanent road deactivation, North Vavenby Project Area, Southern Interior Forest Region
Milne, Michael J.
Address moderate, high, and very high risk road sections identified in risk assessment reports using environmental maintenance and permanent road deactivation methods. Maintain good four-wheel drive access where required for recreation and range management, and apply permanent deactivation with ATV or no vehicle access elsewhere. Protect Forest Service Road infrastructure by installing additional and/or larger drainage structures (culverts) where required to manage changes in drainage volume or patterns resulting from restoration work on non-status roads in upslope areas. Resources at stake include: public safety on forest roads and private land, water quality and downstream fish habitat, forest road infrastructure, and forest resources. There are no designated community watersheds in the North Vavenby project area but several licensed domestic and irrigation diversions are present on streams and springs to the north of Highway 5. Michael J. Milne.
Report Number
Project Completion Abstract
McCorvie Lakes Map of Eligible Culverts
Raft-Martin Eligible Culvert Map
Roads MG1, MG2 - Environmental Maintenance Prescriptions
Road 560 North - Environmental Maintenance Prescriptions
Road 560 South - Environmental Maintenance Prescriptions
Road 560 Prescription Table
Road 561 North - Map
Road 561 South - Environmental Maintenance Prescriptions
Roads MG1 & MG2 - Prescription Table

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