Document Details

Routine effectiveness evaluation of instream and off-channel projects at Kumealon Creek, North Coast Forest District
Jennings, Stephen M.
Kumealon Creek is a small coastal stream with high fisheries values. The creek supports pink salmon (20,000 escapement), coho salmon (100 to 300 escapement) and very few chum salmon, steelhead and chinook salmon. Timber harvesting occurred in the floodplain in the 1950?s and on mid-elevation valley slopes in the 1990?s. Watershed assessments found that the 1950?s logging resulted in long-term damage to fish habitat and stream channels (Triton, 1998). The mainly coniferous forest was removed and a red alder riparian forest currently exists (NWFM, 2001). Of the watersheds assessed in the North Coast, Kumealon Creek was the highest priority for restoration. Detailed restoration prescriptions were developed in 1999/2000 for two projects; instream structures for reaches 1 and 2 and an off-channel project in a side channel (Triton, 2000) and they were constructed in 2000. A helicopter placed fifty pieces of wood into reaches 1 and 2 then a Spider-Hoe excavator built fifteen structures. The off-channel project was built in a 400 m long side channel. A target of 4,000 square meters was intended but the off-channel site was reduced to 2,800 square meters during construction.
Report Number
Project Completion Abstract
Routine Effectiveness Evaluation
Kumealon Photo Pages
Kumealon Creek Map

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