Document Details

CanFor - Vavenby Division forest road risk management: risk evaluation report
Keystone Environmental Ltd.
The project objective is to assist forest road management by developing and testing a method to improve environmental risk management. The method develops information and conducts analysis to assist resource managers make better risk management decision, and thereby: 1) Reduce the risk of damage to fish habitat or water quality and supply. 2) Provide a basis for more effective resource management and budgeting decisions applied to Forest Investment Account funding, as well as industry budgets. 3) Better retain and communicate the knowledge used to manage the road network. 4) Provide a process to better link tactical with operational road management planning and assist planning for sustainable forest management. Keystone Environmental Ltd.
Report Number
Risk Evaluation Report
Cost Benefit Ratio Map
Deact - Cost Benefit Ratio Map
Maint - Cost Benefit Ratio Map
Risk Profile Map

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