Document Details

Estimating the abundance of arboreal forage lichens
Armleder, H.M.
This handbook will help users estimate: - proportions of the two main types of forage lichen, and - overall abundance of the forage lichen. The first part of the handbook introduces the two types of lichen. Photos showing various mixes of the two types are provided for users who need to estimate percentages. The second, and major part, of the handbook is a guide to rating overall lichen abundance. It includes two sets of photo series, showing boundaries between lichen classes: - illustrates individual trees with different amounts of lichen, and - shows the same photos, but arranged to facilitate comparison between different trees. The final part of the handbook provides more information on the zone within a tree in which to estimate lichen abundance and explains how the classes relate to actual lichen biomass. It also includes suggestions for further reading.
Report Number
FGI07 (complete document)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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