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Silviculture strategy for TFL 30
Forest Ecosystem Solutions Ltd.
The last timber supply analysis for TFL 30 (AAC determination July 1, 2003) projected a mid term harvest reduction for the base case scenario. In conjunction with this analysis, a scenario with significant intensive silviculture investments was tested to gain a better understanding of the potential to mitigate the mid-term timber supply deficit, or increase the short, mid and long term harvest levels, if possible. The scenario, while coarse in nature, showed significant volume gains in all terms throughout the planning horizon. The gains were attributable to an assumed 12% yield gain in managed stands due to intensive silviculture and the conversion of non-productive brush to productive forest. The Type 1 Silviculture Strategy that was completed for TFL30 in 2001 also investigated the potential of intensive silviculture in the TFL. While there was no forest estate modeling involved, the strategy provided theorized estimates of timber supply impacts that would result from addressing the identified strategic intensive silviculture opportunities on TFL 30. Canfor wishes now to build on the completed Type 1 Silviculture analysis and develop a Type 2 Silviculture Strategy for TFL 30. The strategy will test the impact of the recommended silviculture strategies from the Type 1 Analysis and either adopt or revise some or all of them depending on the projected return of investment. The Type 2 Strategy will also help Canfor plan an effective silviculture program through forest estate modeling.
Report Number
Draft TFL 30 silviculture strategy analysis report
Draft TFL 30 Type 2 Silviculture Strategy data package

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