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BC Conservation Data Centre: Conservation Status Report

Brachyramphus marmoratus
Marbled Murrelet

Scientific Name: Brachyramphus marmoratus
English Name: Marbled Murrelet
Provincial Status Summary
Status: S3
Date Status Assigned: May 18, 2010
Date Last Reviewed: March 25, 2022
Reasons: Widespread breeder in old coastal forests, but has lost 35-50% of breeding habitat as a result of logging, urbanization, and agricultural development; and there is a documented steady decline in the species (Drever et al. 2021). Remaining habitat is being fragmented by further clearing and road-building, which may result in increased nest predation. Also vulnerable to any threat that reduces adult survival; especially vulnerable to oil spills, and by-catch in commercial gill-net fisheries.
Range Extent: F = 20,000-200,000 square km
Range Extent Estimate (km2): 284,000 square km
Range Extent Comments: 284,000 square km based on a BC MOE habitat suitability model (COSEWIC 2012). Breeds along most of the British Columbia coast, with the majority of nests within 30 km of the sea, but up to 50 km inland in British Columbia (Burger 2002, COSEWIC 2012, ECCC 2014). At sea most murrelets remain within 1 km of the shore, except in sheltered inlets and straits where they might be further offshore (Burger 1995, 2002; Nelson 2020). The BC Breeding Bird Atlas data show the highest abundance in the Coastal Western Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone (Burger 2015) which confirms information gathered previously (COSEWIC 2012).
Area of Occupancy (km2): HI = 2,501 to >12,500
Area of Occupancy Estimate (km2): 40,300 to 112,400 square km
Area of Occupancy Comments: The high estimate is based on suitable habitat and assumes it is all occupied and the lower estimate is based upon the assumption that there will be one nest for every three birds entering the watersheds (COSEWIC 2012). This includes both members of each pair plus some non-breeding birds. This method gives an estimated AO of 55,100 km2 (range 40,300 to 69,800 km2) (COSEWIC 2012). Determining area of occupancy is difficult without detailed data on distributions within a watershed. Relatively small numbers of actual nest sites have been confirmed. "Confirmed" breeding in the BC Bird Atlas need to be interpreted cautiously, as many are of adults carrying food, and while that likely indicates the feeding of chicks, they are known to fly large distances when foraging for fish, so location data could be incorrect (Burger 2015).
Occurrences & Population
Number of Occurrences: E = > 300
Comments: Widely but patchily distributed along the entire BC coast (Burger 2002). Unlike other alcids that nest colonially, Marbled Murrelets nest solitarily; however, more than one pair can occur in a single forest stand. Breeds in over 300 watersheds. No obvious metapopulations except those breeding in isolated forest stands on east Vancouver Island and the Southern Mainland coast. Murrelets from Unalaska Island to northern California comprise a single genetic population (Piatt et. al. 2007).
Number of Occurrences with Good Viability / Ecological Integrity: U = Unknown
Percent Area with Good Viability / Ecological Integrity: U = Unknown
Comments: Viability assumed to be linked to persistence of nesting habitat in old-growth forest within 30-50 km of marine foraging areas. Several thousand murrelets are known to nest in the larger coastal Provincial Parks (especially Carmanah-Walbran, Strathcona, and Fiordland) and National Parks (Pacific Rim and Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserves) which provide these conditions. Murrelets also nest in many smaller parks, WHAs and Ecological Reserves, and in unprotected forests, but their viability and numbers in these areas are not known. Province of British Columbia has also protected several marine areas relevant to Marbled Murrelets, including the Desolation Sound Marine Provincial Park, The Hakai Lúxvbálís Conservancy and the Checleset Bay Ecological Reserve
Number of Occurrences Appropriately Protected & Managed: E = >40
Comments: A total of 756,863 ha of suitable habitat have at least some degree of protection in the province (British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development 2018). This estimate included Marbled Murrelet nesting habitat that falls in Parks and Protected Areas, WHAs, Old Growth Management Areas, and Ungulate Winter Ranges. Breeding habitat is protected in Pacific Rim and Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserves, and Carmanah-Walbran, Strathcona, Fiordland, Naikoon, and some other Provincial Parks and Ecological Reserves. As of Nov 2021, 469 Wildlife Habitat Areas, totaling over 13,505 ha, have been established in BC to protect nesting habitat (Province of BC 2021).
Population Size: F = 10,000 - 100,000 individuals
Comments: 74,300 (likely range of 54,500 to 94,200) for adult birds in BC was cited in the most recent update of the recovery strategy (ECCC 2021). The 2007 population estimate for Marbled Murrelet in BC was 99,100 birds (72,600 - 125,600) based on radar inventory (Bertram et al 2007) this is the same population estimate used in the first federal recovery strategy (ECCC 2014). Earlier estimates were between 55,000 and 78,000 (median estimate about 66,000 birds) (Burger 2002) an increase over the estimate of 25,000-50,000 birds by Rodway (1990).
Threats (to population, occurrences, or area affected)
Degree of Threat: B = High
Comments: Logging of nesting habitat on old seral forest is identified as the greatest threat to the Marbled Murrelet (Ralph et al. 1995; Nelson 2020; MMRT 2003; McShane et al. 2004). Habitat which is clearcut logged will require 140-200 years to regain the necessary characteristics needed by murrelets (large trees, gappy canopy and large, mossy limbs). Early population declines in British Columbia coincided with the clearing of forests along the Strait of Georgia (Brooks 1926; Pearse 1946). Recent radar studies show that murrelet numbers are correlated with the amount and distribution of remaining old-growth forest and population loss is expected to be proportional to loss of nesting habitat (Burger 2001, 2002; Burger et al. 2004). Fragmentation of forests can increase nest predation rates and may partly explain the high rate of nest failure (Nelson 2020; Manley and Nelson 1999; Raphael et al. 2002), although nest success was not significantly affected by proximity to edges in Desolation Sound (Bradley 2002). Predation is the major cause of nest failure and corvids (mainly jays and ravens) are often responsible. Several studies have found higher densities of corvids in fragmented landscapes (Burger 2002), but stand structure and proximity to human activities also affect risks from corvids (Raphael et al. 2002). Little is known of predation by other animals such as squirrels, which are less tied to forest edges (Burger 2002, McShane et al. 2004). The Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team (MMRT 2003) concluded that 'hard edges' bordering recent clearcuts and young forest <40 years old were likely to have negative impacts on murrelets whereas natural edges and those bordering more mature second-growth were not. Because Marbled Murrelets are long-lived and have low recruitment, they are especially vulnerable to any threat that reduces adult survival (Burger 2002). They are especially vulnerable to oil spills (Carter and Kuletz 1995; Burger 2002; McShane et al. 2004); their habit of feeding close to shore makes them one of the most vulnerable species to this threat (King and Sanger 1979). The effects of chemical contamination have not been studied, but may be important in the Strait of Georgia (Burger 2002). Inshore gill-net mortality can have significant impacts on local populations (Burger 2002, McShane et al. 2004). In Barkley Sound an estimated 175-250 birds (about 6% of the population) were captured in gill-nets in a single season (Carter and Sealy 1984) and similar impacts have been noted in Alaska (Nelson 2020). Recent changes in fisheries patterns have probably reduced this threat in British Columbia, although it needs to be more thoroughly investigated (Burger 2002). To a lesser extent, purse seining, sports fishing, and aquaculture are potential threats (Burger 2002). Collisions with wind turbines, both on land and in shallow coastal seas, are a potential threat that is beginning to be investigated (Cooper et al. 2003). Changes in marine regimes might also impact murrelets, and there is some evidence that warmer than usual oceans have negative effects (Burger 2002).
Trend (in population, range, area occupied, and/or condition of occurrences)
Short-Term Trend: DE = Decline of 30-70%
Comments: Radar counts during the breeding seasons 1996-2018 indicate a province wide population decline of -2.4/year (-48%) (Drever et al. 2021). This is consistent with an earlier estimate of decline for the period 1996-2014 (Bertram et al. 2015). Three generation time length is most recently estimated to be 19.68 years (Bird et al. 2020) note that this is considerably shorter than the 3 generation time of 30 years used in the recovery strategy (ECCC 2021) and the COSEWIC status report (COSEWIC 2012). If the longer generation time is used then the decline has been 51.75%
Long-Term Trend: CD = Decline of 50-80%
Comments: It is assumed that much of the habitat loss, and likely population decline, occurred between 1850 and 1970 (i.e. more than 3 murrelet generations ago). Throughout its range generally believed to be uncommon in many areas where it was historically common (Nelson 2020). There is anecdotal evidence that populations in the Strait of Georgia declined significantly in the early 1900 coinciding with the removal of much of the old seral forest on east Vancouver Island and the Southern Mainland. Brooks (1926) noted a scarcity of Marbled Murrelets along the east coast of Vancouver Island in 1925-1926 compared with numbers observed in 1920 and earlier, and Pearse (1946) reported a decline around Comox between 1917 and 1944, coincident with the clearing of large tracts of old forests. Christmas Bird Count data for the period 1970-2019 showed a decline of -3.15/year (95% CL -2.21to -4.10) (Meehan et al. 2020) resulting in a 70.1% decline over that 40 year period . Note however the coverage of Christmas Bird counts is heavily weighted to the south coast of BC and the mid and north coast is not well covered by that survey.
Other Factors
Intrinsic Vulnerability: A=Highly vulnerable
Comments: The Marbled Murrelet is a long-lived, low-fecundity species which is very vulnerable to population perturbation, and most demographic models show a strong probability of declining populations (Burger 2002; McShane et al. 2004, COSEWIC 2012). Breeding probably begins at age 3-5 years and a generation is about 10-11 years; a single egg is laid per breeding attempt and annual fecundity is low, typically 0.13-0.22 female offspring per adult female in British Columbia (Burger 2002; Cam et al. 2003). Its nesting habitat in old seral forests and cliffs is highly specialized, but its foraging habitat is apparently less so. Adults, eggs and chicks are extremely vulnerable to predation in inland forests, and the breeding biology has obviously evolved in response to strong selection by predation. Forest fragmentation likely increases vulnerability to predators (COSEWIC 2012, ECCC 2021).
Environmental Specificity: A=Very narrow. Specialist or community with key requirements scarce.
Comments: The species is strongly dependent on the availability of old-growth coniferous forest for nesting, although a small minority of nests have been found on mossy cliff ledges (Burger 2002). The species of tree does not seem critical, provided that the tree provides the necessary attributes. These essential attributes for nest sites are: a high site allowing stall landings and jump-off egress; gaps in the forest canopy allowing access to larger limbs in mid- to lower-canopy; a large (usually mossy) limb or deformity for the nest and landing pad; moss or duff to provide a soft nest substrate; and, at many nests, overhead foliage to provide some shelter at the nest site (Nelson 2020; Burger 2002; McShane et al. 2004). In some cases cliff sites provide the necessary attributes for nesting. Murrelets use a relatively wide range of nearshore marine habitats and are not a prey specialist (Ralph et al. 1995; Nelson 2020).
Other Rank Considerations:
Information Gaps
Research Needs: Much has been learned in the past three decades of the species nesting habitat requirements, but habitat algorithms used to predict and map suitable habitat have had only moderate success and require further development and testing (Tripp 2001; Burger 2002). The relationships between the areas and quality of forest habitat and the densities of murrelets nesting in these areas need further study. Data on the effects of forest fragmentation and edge effects on nest success are ambiguous (Burger 2002), and much more work is needed to clarify these factors. The interactions of marine (foraging) and terrestrial (nesting) factors in limiting local populations are poorly known but this knowledge is a major requirement for managing long-term population viability. The impacts of global climate change and ocean changes need to be investigated.
Inventory Needs: Population estimates through most of the province are crude, and population trend data are very sparse (Burger 2002) but improving with radar counts (eg. Bertram et al 2015, Drever et al. 2021). Radar counts are viewed as the most reliable inventory and monitoring method (MMRT 2003), but not all areas are suitable for radar inventory and at-sea surveys are needed to fill in gaps and also identify where the major foraging aggregations occur. A plan for long-term radar monitoring of selected watershed populations across BC has been drawn up (Arcese et al. 2005) but will need secure commitments of funding to implement. The amounts and spatial distribution of suitable nesting habitat are being mapped by the Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team and will need to be refined as habitat algorithms improve.
Protection: Maintaining sufficient areas of old seral forest with the attributes needed for nesting is the major priority (MMRT 2003). The Recovery Team identified the need for large core areas of suitable forest habitat within each of the six murrelet conservation regions (MMRT 2003) but none of these have yet been identified or protected. Fine-filter habitat maintenance within managed forests will largely be achieved through establishing Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHAs) and Old-growth Management Areas (OGMAs). The criteria for establishing WHAs under the Identified Wildlife Management Strategy (IWMS) have been updated (Burger 2004). The provincial government has been repeatedly criticized by the BC Forest Practices Board (2004, 2005) for tardy implementation of the IWMS provisions and constraining the establishment of WHAs.
Management: An updated Recovery Strategy (ECCC 2021) outlines a series of actions for the ongoing management of the species.focussed on protecting forest nesting habitat, population monitoring and investigating marine issues. It maintains the established six Conservation Regions for regional management of murrelets (MRRT 2003).. At sea the known and potential threats posed by oil spills, certain fisheries, aquaculture, coastal wind turbines and climate and oceanic changes will need to be assessed, and mitigated and monitored if necessary.
Author: A. E. Burger and Ramsay, L. 2010 updated by D.F.Fraser 2022
Date: February 16, 2022
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Please visit the website Conservation Status Ranks for information on how the CDC determines conservation status ranks. For global conservation status reports and ranks, please visit the NatureServe website

Suggested Citation:

B.C. Conservation Data Centre. 2022. Conservation Status Report: Brachyramphus marmoratus. B.C. Minist. of Environment. Available: (accessed Mar 13, 2025).