Reports and References

for Synthliboramphus antiquus (Ancient Murrelet)

Reports from BC Conservation Data Centre

BC Species Summary


BC Conservation Status Report

View Map

Mapped Known Locations

Reports from Other Databases

E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Wildlife of British Columbia


Environment Canada's Species at Risk Website


Global Comprehensive Report (NatureServe Explorer)

Status Report

COSEWIC. 2004t. COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. vi + 31pp.


COSEWIC. 2014. COSEWIC status appraisal summary on the Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa.


Gaston, A.J. 1993. Status report on the Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus in Canada. Unpubl. rep. for Comm. on the Status of Endangered Wildl. in Can., Ottawa. 41pp.

Identified Wildlife Species Account

British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. 2004. Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. Version 2004. Biodiversity Branch, Identified Wildlife Management Strategy, Victoria, B.C.

Recovery and Management Plans

Environment and Climate Change Canada. 2018f. Management Plan for the Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus) in Canada. Species at Risk Act Management Plan Series. Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa. iv + 33 pp.

Other Related References

Agness, A. M., K.N. Marshall, J.F. Piatt, J.C. Ha, and G.R. Vanblaricom. 2013. Energy cost of vessel disturbance to kittlitz's murrelets brachyramphus brevirostris. Marine Ornithology, 41(1), 13-21.


Avery-Gomm, S., J.F. Provencher, K.H. Morgan, and D.F. Bertram. 2013. Plastic ingestion in marine-associated bird species from the eastern North Pacific. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 72, 257–259.


Bellefleur, D., P. Lee and R.A. Ronconi. 2009. The impact of recreational boat traffic on marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus). Journal of Environmental Management. 90: 531–538.


Bergman, Carita. Personal Communication. PhD, Terrestrial Ecologist, Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site 


BirdLife International. 2017. Species factsheet: Synthliboramphus antiquus. URL:


Booth, J. and H. Rueggeberg. 1989. Marine birds and aquaculture in British Columbia: assessment and management interactions. Phase II report: assessment of geographical overlap. Technical Report Series No. 73. Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, Delta, BC.


Campbell, R.W., N.K. Dawe, I. McTaggart-Cowan, J.M. Cooper, G.W. Kaiser, and M.C.E. McNall. 1990b. The Birds of British Columbia Vol. 2: Nonpasserines: Diurnal Birds of Prey through Woodpeckers. Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria, BC.


Chamberlain, D.E., M.R. Rehfisch, A.D. Fox, M. Desholm, and S.J. Anthony. 2006. The effect of avoidance rates on bird mortality predictions made by wind turbine collision risk models. Ibis 148: 198-202.


Desforges, J.P.W., M. Galbraith, and P.S. Ross. 2015. Ingestion of microplastics by zooplankton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 69: 320-330.


Desholm, M., A.D. Fox, P.D.L. Beasley, and J. Kahlert. 2006.  Remote techniques for counting and estimating the number of bird-wind turbine collisions at sea: a review. Ibis 148: 76-89.


Desholm, M., and J. Kahlert. 2005. Avian collision risk at an offshore wind farm. Biology Letters, 1(3), 296–298.


Devitt, K., V. Bowes, A. Redford, H. Schwantje, D. Shervill and L. Wilson. 2017.  Unusual Rhinoceros Auklet mortality event in the Salish Sea (Abstract). P. 64 in Abstracts: Pacific Seabird Group 44th Annual Meeting, Tacoma, WA. URL:    


Elliott, J.E. and P.A. Martin. 1998. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in grebes and seaducks wintering on the coast of British Columbia, Canada, 1988-1993. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 53:337-362.   


Elliott, J.E., and D.G. Noble. 1993. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in marine birds of the temperate North Pacific. In: Vermeer, K., Briggs, K.T., Morgan, K.H., Siegel-Causey, D. eds. The status, ecology and conservation of marine birds in the North Pacific. Special Publication. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada; 241-253. 


Elliott, J.E., D.G. Noble, R.J. Norstrom, P.E. Whitehead, M. Simon, P.A. Pearce, and D.B. Peakall. 1992. Patterns and trends of organic contaminants in Canadian seabird eggs, 1968-1990. In: Walker, C.R. and Livingstone, D. eds. Persistent pollutants in marine ecosystems. UK: Pergamon Press.


Environment Canada. 2015s. Management Plan for the Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus) in Canada [Proposed]. Species at Risk Act Management Plan Series. Environment Canada, Ottawa. iii + 33 pp.


Finkelstein, M., B.S. Keitt, D.A. Croll, B. Tershy, and W.M. Jarman. 2006. Albatross species demonstrate regional differences in North Pacific marine contamination. Ecological Applications 16:678-686. 


Fox, A.D., M. Desholm, J. Kahlert, T.J. Christensen, and I. Petersen.  2006. Information needs to support environmental impact assessment of the effects of European marine offshore wind farms on birds. Ibis 148 (s1): 129-144. 


Garthe, S., and O. Hüppop. 2004. Scaling possible adverse effects of marine wind farms on seabirds: developing and applying a vulnerability index. Journal of Applied Ecology 41: 724–734.  


Gaston, A.J. and A. Shoji. 2010. Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus), The Birds of North America (P. G. Rodewald, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology.


Gaston, A.J., D.F. Bertram, A.W. Boyne, J.W. Chardine, G. Davoren, A.W. Diamond, A. Hedd, W.A. Montevecchi, J.M. Hipfner, M.J.F. Lemon, M.L. Mallory, J-F Rail, and G.J. Robertson. 2009. Changes in Canadian seabird populations and ecology since 1970 in relation to changes in oceanography and food webs. Environmental Reviews 17:267-286. 


Gaston, A.J., H.R. Carter, and S.G. Sealy. 1993. Winter ecology and diet of Ancient Murrelets off Victoria, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71:64–70.


Gaston, A.J., Y. Hashimoto, and L. Wilson. 2015. First evidence of east–west migration across the North Pacific in a marine bird. Ibis 157: 877–882.  


Gaston, Tony. Personal Communication. Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON.


GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/UNIDO/WMO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection). 2007. Estimates of oil entering the marine environment from sea-based activities. Rep. Stud. GESAMP No. 75, 96 pp.


Gill, Chris. Personal Communication. Wildlife Biologist, Kestrel Wildlife Consulting, Tappen, BC.


Harfenist, A., K.R. MacDowell, T. Golumbia, G. Schultze, and Laskeek Bay Conservation Society. 2000. Monitoring and Control of Raccoons on Seabird Colonies in Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands). Pp. 333-339 in L.M. Darling, ed. 2000. Proc. Conf. on the Biology and Manage. Species and Habitats at Risk, Kamloops, B.C., 15-19 Feb., 1999. Vol. 1; B.C. Minist. Environ., Lands and Parks, Victoria, BC, and Univ. College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, BC. 490pp.


Hentze, N.T. 2006. The effects of boat disturbance on seabirds off southwestern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. BSc Honours Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.   


Hipfner, M. 2015. Ancient Murrelet in: Davidson, P.J.A., R.J. Cannings, A.R. Couturier, D. Lepage, and C.M. Di Corrado (eds.). The atlas of the breeding birds of British Columbia, 2008-2012. Bird Studies Canada. Delta, BC. Available:


Larsen J.K., and M. Guillemette. 2007. Effects of wind turbines on flight behaviour of wintering common eiders: implications for habitat use and collision risk. Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 516­-522 .    


Lopez, C.B., Q. Dortch, E.B. Jewett, D. Garrison. 2008. Scientific Assessment of Marine Harmful Algal Blooms. Interagency Working Group on Harmful Algal Blooms, Hypoxia, and Human Health of the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology. Washington, D.C.


Masden, E.A., D.T. Haydon, A.D. Fox, and R.W. Furness. 2010. Barriers to movement: Modelling energetic costs of avoiding marine wind farms amongst breeding seabirds. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60: 1085-1091.


Miller, A., J.E. Elliott, K.H. Elliott, M.F. Guigueno, L.K. Wilson, S. Lee and A. Idriss. 2014. Spatial and temporal trends in brominated flame retardants in seabirds from the Pacific coast of Canada. Environmental Pollution 195: 48–55.   


Morgan, Ken. Personal Communication. Canadian Wildlife Service, Sidney, BC.


Naikun Wind Energy Group. 2017. Project Description. Available:


National Research Council. 2007. Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


Piatt, J.F., B.D. Roberts, W.W. Lidster, J.L. Wells, and S.A. Hatch. 1990. Effects of human disturbance on breeding Least and Crested auklets at St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Auk 107: 342-350. 


Porvari, P., M. Verta, J. Munth and M. Haapanen. 2003. Forestry practices increase mercury and methyl mercury output from boreal forest catchments. Environmental Science and Technology 37:2389–2393.  


Regehr, H.M., M.S. Rodway, M.J.F. Lemon, and J.M. Hipfner. 2007. Recovery of the Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus colony on Langara Island, British Columbia, following eradication of invasive rats. Marine Ornithology 35: 137–144. 


Robards, M.D., P.J. Gould, and J.F. Piatt. 1997. The Highest Global Concentrations and Increased Abundance of Oceanic Plastic Debris in the North Pacific: Evidence from Seabirds. In: Coe J.M., Rogers D.B. (eds) Marine Debris. Springer Series on Environmental Management. Springer, New York, NY.


Rueggeberg, H. and J. Booth. 1989. Marine birds and aquaculture in British Columbia: assessment and management of interactions. Final report: Summary and conclusions. Report to Environment Canada (Canadian Wildlife Service), Vancouver, BC; 17 p. 


Schwemmer, P., B. Mendel, N. Sonntag, V. Dierschke, and S. Garthe. 2011. Effects of ship traffic on seabirds in offshore waters: implications for marine conservation and spatial planning. Ecological Applications 21: 1851-1860. 


Sealy, S.G., H.R. Carter, R.E. Thomson and K.H. Morgan. 2013. Movements of Ancient Murrelet family groups to northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Northwestern Naturalist 94:209-226.


Smith, J. L. and K. H. Morgan. 2005. An assessment of seabird bycatch in longline and net fisheries in British Columbia. Technical Report Series No. 401, Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, Delta, BC.


Transportation Research Board and National Research Council. 2003. Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


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