Reports and References

for Lota lota (Burbot)

Reports from BC Conservation Data Centre

BC Species Summary


BC Conservation Status Report

Reports from Other Databases

E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Wildlife of British Columbia


Global Comprehensive Report (NatureServe Explorer)

Other Related References

Ahrens, A. and J. Korman. 2002. What happened to the West Arm burbot stock in Kootenay Lake? Use of an age-structured population model to determine the possible causes for recruitment failure. Consult. Rept. Prep. By Ecometric Research Inc. for BC Min. Environment, Lands and Parks, Nelson, BC.


Burbot. 1999. B.C. Fish Facts. Conserv. Sect., Fish. Manage. Branch, B.C. Minist. Fish. 2pp.


Giroux, P.A. 2005. Evaluation of burbot stocks and assessment of a cod trapping technique in four small lakes of Skeena Region, BC. Skeena Fisheries Report #SK-144, BC Ministry of Environment, Smithers.


McPhail, J.D. 2007. The freshwater fishes of British Columbia. The University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, Alberta.


Neufeld, M.D. 2005. Sturgeon and burbot recovery progress in BC, 2004-2005. BC Ministry of Environment, Nelson BC.


Robinson, M.D. 2013. Koocanusa burbot abundance and distribution - year 1 data report. Prepared by Lotic Environmental Ltd. For the Columbia Basin Trust. 14 pp.


Stephenson, S. and V. Evans. 2014. 2013-14 Kootenay burbot summary: Moyie Lake and Kootenay Lake. BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Nelson, BC.


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