Reports and References

for Gasterosteus sp. 1 (Giant Threespine Stickleback)

Reports from BC Conservation Data Centre

BC Species Summary


BC Conservation Status Report

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Mapped Known Locations

Reports from Other Databases

E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Wildlife of British Columbia


Environment Canada's Species at Risk Website


Global Comprehensive Report (NatureServe Explorer)

Recovery and Management Plans

B.C. Ministry of Environment. Recovery Planning in BC. B.C. Minist. Environ. Victoria, BC.

Other Related References

COSEWIC. 2013h. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Giant Threespine Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus and the Unarmoured Threesine Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. xiv + 62 pp. (


Gach M.H., and T.E. Reimchen. 1989. Mitochondrial DNA patterns among endemic stickleback from the Queen Charlotte Islands: a preliminary survey. Can. J. Zool. 67:1324-1328.


Lavin, P.A., and J.D. McPhail. 1993. Parapatric lake and stream sticklebacks on northern Vancouver Island: disjunct distribution or parallel evolution? Can. J. Zool. 71:11-17.


Moodie, G. E. E. 1980. Status report on giant stickleback in Canada. Committee on the status of endangered wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).


Moodie, G.E.E. 1972. Predation, natural selection and adaptation in an unusual threespine stickleback. Heredity 28:155-167.


Moodie, G.E.E. 1984. Status of the giant (Mayer Lake) stickleback, Gasterosteus sp. on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Can. Field-Nat. 98:115-119.


Reimchen, T.E. 1992. Extended longevity in a large-bodies stickleback, GASTEROSTEUS, population. Can. Field-Nat. 106:122-125.


Reimchen, T.E. 2004. Update status report on giant (Mayer Lake) stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Comm. on the Status of Endangered Wildl. in Can.. Ottawa. iv+17pp. Draft.


Thompson, C.E., E.B. Taylor, and J.D. McPhail. 1997. Parallel evolution of lake-stream pairs of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) inferred from mitochondrial DNA variation. Evolution 51:1955-1965.


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