Reports and References

for Bos bison athabascae (Wood Bison)

Reports from BC Conservation Data Centre

BC Species Summary


BC Conservation Status Report

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Reports from Other Databases

E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Wildlife of British Columbia


Environment Canada's Species at Risk Website


Global Comprehensive Report (NatureServe Explorer)

Species at Risk Brochure

Harper, B. 2002. Wood Bison. B.C. Minist. Water, Land and Air Prot., Biodiv. Branch. 6pp.

Status Report

Alberta Environment and Parks and Alberta Conservation Association. 2017. Status of American Bison in Alberta: Update 2017. Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 38 (Update 2017). Edmonton AB. 134 pp.


COSEWIC. 2013. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Plains Bison Bison bison bison and the Wood Bison Bison bison athabascae in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. xv + 109 pp.


Wood Bison Recovery Team, (WBRT). 1987. Status report on the Wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Canada. 86pp.

Recovery and Management Plans

Environment and Climate Change Canada. 2018d. Recovery Strategy for the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Canada. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Environment and Climate Change Canada. Ottawa. viii + 59 pp.


Gates, C.C. et al. 2001. National Recovery Plan for the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae). Recovery of Natl. Endangered Wildl. Comm. Rep. No. 21. Ottawa. 50pp.

Other Related References

B.C. Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship. 2022. Large ungulate abundance in British Columbia. Online. Available: (accessed 16 April 2024).


Blood, D. 2000. Bison in British Columbia. B.C. Minist. Environ., Lands and Parks, Wildl. Branch. 6pp.


Christopherson, R.J., and R.J. Hudson. 1978. Effects of temperature and wind on cattle and Bison. 57th Annual Feeder's Day Report 57:40-41.


Eisenberg, J.F. 1981. The mammalian radiations: an analysis of trends in evolution, adaptation, and behaviour. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. 610pp.


Geist, V. 1991. Phantom subspecies: the wood bison BISON BISON "ATHABASCAE" Rhoads 1897 is not a valid taxon, but an ecotype. Arctic 44:283-300.


Harper, W.L., and C.C. Gates. 2000. Recovery of Wood Bison in British Columbia. Pp. 915-923 in L.M. Darling, ed. 2000. Proc. Conf. on the Biology and Manage. Species and Habitats at Risk, Kamloops, B.C., 15-19 Feb., 1999. Vol. 2; B.C. Minist. Environ., Lands and Parks, Victoria, BC, and Univ. College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, BC. 520pp.


Jensen, O.C., et al. 2004. Assessing Suitable and Critical Habitat for Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae) Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing: Preliminary Results. In T.D. Hooper, ed. Proc. of the Species at Risk 2004 Pathways to Recovery Conf. March 2-6, 2004, Victoria, B.C. Species at Risk 2004 Pathways to Recovery Conference Organizing Committee, Victoria, BC. 18pp.


Komers, P.E. 1994. Plasticity of reproductive behaviour in Wood Bison bulls: On risks and opportunities. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution. 6:481-495.


Komers, P.E., F. Messier and C.C. Gates. 1993. Group structure in wood bison: nutritional and reproductive determinants. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71: 1367-1371.


Komers, P.E., F. Messier, and C.C. Gates. 1994. Plasticity of reproductive behaviour in Wood Bison bulls: when subadults are given a chance. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 6:313-330.


Larter, N.C. and C.C. Gates. 1991. Diet and habitat selection of wood bison in relation to seasonal changes in forage quantity and quality. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69: 2677-2685.


Mitchell, J.A. and C.C. Gates. 2002. Status of the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Fish and Wildlife Division, and Alberta Conservation Association, Wildlife Status Report No. 39, Edmonton, AB. 32 pp.


Mitchell, J.A., C.C. Gates, R. Rowell, and K. Lloyd. 2000. A Decision-Support Tool for Managing the Risk of Tuberculosis and Brucellosis Infection in Northern Canada. Pp. 173-178 in L.M. Darling, ed. 2000. Proc. Conf. on the Biology and Manage. Species and Habitats at Risk, Kamloops, B.C., 15-19 Feb., 1999. Vol. 1; B.C. Minist. Environ., Lands and Parks, Victoria, BC, and Univ. College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, BC. 490pp.


Motomura, D.M.M. 1994. Progestin excretion and estrous synchronization in Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae). M.Sc. Thesis. Accessed online through ProQuest Direct, UMI Corp., Ann Arbor, MI.


Nagorsen, D. 1990. The mammals of British Columbia: a taxonomic catalogue. Mem. No. 4. Royal B.C. Mus., Victoria. 140pp.


Reynolds, H.W., R.M. Hansen, and D.G. Peden. 1978. Diets of the Slave River Lowland Bison herd, Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 42:581-590.


Shackleton, D. 1999. Hoofed Mammals of British Columbia. UBC Press in collaboration with Royal B.C. Mus. 272pp.


van Zyll de Jong, C.G. 1986. A systematic study of recent bison, with particular consideration of the wood bison (BISON BISON ATHABASCAE Rhoads 1898). National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Publ. in Nat. Sci. (6): viii + 69pp.


Wildlife Branch. 1991. Bison Management Plan for British Columbia. B.C. Minist. Environ., Lands and Parks, Victoria. 31pp.


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