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BC Conservation Data Centre: Species Summary

Speyeria cybele leto
Great Spangled Fritillary, leto subspecies

Scientific Name: Speyeria cybele leto (Behr, 1862)
English Name: Great Spangled Fritillary, leto subspecies
Classification / Taxonomy
Scientific Name - Concept Reference: Layberry, R.A., P.W. Hall, and J.D. LaFontaine. 1998. The Butterflies of Canada. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Canada. 280 pp. + color plates.
Classification Level: Subspecies
Species Group: Invertebrate Animal
Species Code: LE-SPECYB-LE
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family
Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Lepidoptera Nymphalidae
Conservation Status / Legal Designation
Global Status: G4G5 (Mar 2024)
Provincial Status: S5 (Feb 2023)
BC List: Yellow
Provincial FRPA list:   
Provincial Wildlife Act:
SARA Schedule:
General Status Canada:
Ecology & Life History
General Description:
Migration Characteristics:
(Global / Provincial)
    Local Migrant:
    Distant Migrant:
    Within Borders Migrant:
N /
N /
N /
na /
(Type / Subtype / Dependence)
Global Habitat Comments: This species is found in moist meadows adjacent to forests (Pyle and LaBar 2018; Pelham 2023).
Food Habits: Herbivore:Immature
Nectarivore: Adult
Global Food Habits Comments: Adults of this species consume flower nectar and larval hosts are various violets (Viola spp.) (Lotts and Naberhaus 2017; Pyle and LaBar 2018).
Global Phenology:
Provincial Phenology:
(1st half of month/
2nd half of month)
Colonial Breeder: N
Length(cm)/width(cm)/Weight(g): / /
Elevation (m) (min / max): Global: 
Endemic: N
Global Range Comment: This species occurs in southern British Columbia and Alberta, Canada and in the western United States from Washington to western Montana, south to Utah and west to California (Bugguide 2024; GBIF 2024; SCAN 2024; iNaturalist 2024).
Authors / Contributors
Global Information Author: Schweitzer, D.F. (2001); rev. T. Cornelisse (2024)
Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024
Provincial Information Author:
Last Updated:
References and Related Literature
BugGuide. 2024. identification, images, and information for insects, spiders and their kin for the United States and Canada. Iowa State University Entomology. Online. Available:
Pyle, R.M. and C.C. LaBar. 2018. Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 462 pp.

Please visit the website Conservation Status Ranks for definitions of the data fields used in this summary report.

Suggested Citation:

B.C. Conservation Data Centre. 2024. Species Summary: Speyeria cybele leto. B.C. Minist. of Environment. Available: (accessed Sep 18, 2024).