Multiple Waterbodies Query
The Multiple Waterbodies Query is designed to get themed information for multiple
waterbodies. Due to the nature and size of these queries, and the length of time to
process them, the results will be emailed to you.
Multiple Waterbodies Query Help
First select a query type:
- Fish Presence (species and location information)
- Individual Fish Data (lengths, weights, ages)
- Obstacles to Fish
- Physical Site Survey Information
- Stocking Information
Next select a geographic area (watershed code, watershed group, TRIM mapsheet, or forest district).
Note that a wild card will be appended to the watershed code. For example, Cowichan River
is watershed code 920-257700-000. Typing in 920-257700 and then choosing a Fish Presence query
will produce a CSV file for all fish presence in the Cowichan River watershed that will be emailed to you.