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Mark Monthly Scaling History Selection

In addition to the Month Scaled Interval, please specify one or more of the following:

 Region/District Harvested, Mark Holder, File Type, Mgmt Unit Type, Forest File ID, Timber Mark,  Region/District Scaled, or Scale Site.

   Required Field indicates a required field
Required Field Month Scaled Interval (up to 12 months)
From yyyymm
To yyyymm
 Region/District Harvested

 Mark Holder
Client No/Loc

File Type
Mgmt Unit Type Mgmt Unit No
Forest File ID
Timber Mark

Region/District Scaled
Scale Site
Billing Type Normal Cruise Based Waste Beachcomb

Please be advised that this information may be released under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For more information, please contact Forests.RevenueBranchOffice@gov.bc.ca.

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