GATOR Search for Survey Parcels by Legal Description

You must specifiy at least one search criteria.   Refine your search by specifying multiple criteria.   The wildcard symbol (%) can be used in all text fields.
Primary Parcel:
    Land District:
  An administrative descriptor or division that identifies an area in BC.  More ...
    District Lot #:   (eg. "1234")
  Identifies a parcel of land that has been surveyed within a Land District.  More ...
    Section:   (eg. "1", "2")
  Identfies a particular division or survey description of a portion of land called a Section.  More ...
    Township:   (eg. "7A")
  Identifies a division of land, used in three types of legal descriptions.  More ...
    Range:   (eg. "1", "2")
  Identifies a particular division or survey description of a portion of land called a Range.  More ...
    Meridian:   (eg. "W5M")
  Identifies a line of longitude.  More ...
    Block:   (eg. "3N", "36A", "44%")
  Identifies a portion or a particular division of surveyed land called a Block.  More ...
    IR Number:   (eg. "5B", "18")
  Indicates the Indian Reserve number for a specific Indian Reserve.  More ...
    Island:   (eg. "DENMAN", "SALT%")
  The gazetted or official name for an Island in BC, which has been surveyed.  More ...
    Parcel Name:   (eg. "CHAMPION", "%STAR%)
  Non-numerical or unformatted elements of a parcel's legal description.  More ...
    Land District:
  An administrative descriptor or division that identifies an area in BC.  More ...
    Subdivision Type:
  The type of subdivision, such as an Indian Reserve or a Strata Lot.  More ...
    Subdivision Number:   (eg. "441", "G2")
  The Land Title Act Plan Number for a Subdivision.  More ...
    Plan Number:   (eg. "A775", "7377", "%FOLIO 647%")
  The Land Title Act Plan Number as registered in one of the Land Title Offices.
    Legal Description Substring:   (eg. "%BLOCK 10%", "%STONEY CREEK%")
  Allows the Legal Description to be searched using a partial description.  More ...
Tenure History: ON 
  Controls whether or not inactive tenures are shown the Interest Summary page.

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