GATOR Parcel Details

Search Criteria: PIN: 8416410, Tenure History: On
Legal Description
Crown Grant: No Images Available
Survey Fieldbook: No Images Available
Survey Plan:
Map: iMapBC
Parcel Information
Number of Subdivisions: 0
Number of Rights-of-Way: 0
Area (Ha) / Method: 221.7 / From Survey
Status: Active
Confirmed Date: 25-Feb-2020
Land Title Office:
Parcel Kind:
Filing Information
Tube/Tray #: EPC001793-No Location Specified ,7TU1218-No Location Specified
Field Book: 359/1983 PH 027
Alternate Filing Location:
Post Renewal:
Land Title Office PID:
LTO Plan #:
Land Control Areas
Indian Reserve:
National Park:
Ecolgical Reserve:
Provincial Park:
Administrative Areas
Agriculture Land Reserve:
Assessment Area: Peace River
Electoral District: Peace River South
Land District: Peace River District
Land Management Region: Northeast Nr
Land Title District: Prince George
Municipality: Tumbler Ridge
Regional District: Peace River
School District: Peace River South
Map References
BCGS Map # 93P006
NTS Map # 93P