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Report: Englishman River Block 602 Side Channel Extension

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DFO has surveyed, designed, and constructed a 4.1 km side-channel on the Englishman River with a total wetted area of 6.35 Ha. The construction of this side channel is outlined in this report.

Author:  Norgan, R. and Sheng, M.; Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Date Published:  Jan 2008

Report ID:  23733

Audience:  Government and Public

The intake site of the side channel is located 500m upstream of the Community Fisheries Development Centres hatchery on the Englishman River. The Channel Extension starts approximately 1200m downstream of the intake at the outlet of an existing beaver pond wetted by the Fletcher Challenge Side Channel constructed in 1992. DFO has surveyed, designed, and constructed a 4.1 km side-channel. It involved: constructing a 1.2 km long spawning and rearing channel in 1992; the fabrication and installation of 2 steel intakes and pipelines in 2006 to replace the 1992 intake; and extending the existing 1.2 km long spawning /rearing channel by 2.9 km in 2007. Construction Started under the supervision of DFO RRD Nanaimo on May 14th, 2007 and was completed July 5th 2007. Work completed included a rock groyne to protect the river intake site; raising the elevation of dykes protecting the original 1992 channel; a PVC by pass pipeline around the settling pond; a secondary concrete intake structure separating the settling pond from the side channel and replacing an older existing wooden structure; a rock weir backwatering a low lying area near the existing hatchery and allowing the relocation of the hatchery plumbing to a point closer to the hatchery; a rock weir raising the water level so it could be diverted into the newly constructed channel extension; a 2.9km side-channel constructed downstream to continue the existing 1.2km long side channel supplied by the new intakes; 3 road crossings using 2- mini-span bridges 12m long and 1 CSP culvert 10m long; crossing over a buried gas pipeline and under BC Hydro transmission lines Seven years of coho smolt production has already been collected which provides a good base line for the current production in the watershed. Future annual smolt assessments will provide valuable information on the overall contribution from this major man-made channel to coho production in the watershed. The completed project has an overall wetted area of 6.35 Ha with an overall linear length of 4.1 km. It could increase the capacity of the Englishman watershed for coho by as much as 50-100%. It is expected this habitat improvement will increase the average productivity of the population. Funding partners for the project included BC Living Rivers, Pacific Salmon Commission, Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Habitat Conservation Trust Fund, T. Buck Suzuki Fund, Castaways Club, DFO and BCCF.

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Fish Species - Coho Salmon - Oncorhynchus kisutch
  Fish Species - Salmon (General) - Oncorhynchus spp.
  Region - Vancouver Island
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Restoration
  Watershed Groups - 920 - Vancouver Island (East) Rivers

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