Report: Gates Creek Salmonid Population Assessment, Spring and Summer 2016 FWCP COA-F17-1360
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This report summarizes the monitoring activities of the Gates Creek Salmonid Habitat and Population Assessment. The project was funded by the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program. The Gates Creek Salmonid Habitat and Population Assessment primarily addresses the "research and information acquisition" action in the Bridge Seton Salmonid Action Plan by providing baseline population estimates for rearing salmonids in the Gates Creek watershed.
Author: Instream Fisheries Research Inc.
Old Reference Number: COA-F17-1360
Old Reference System: FWCP Fish Wildlife Compensation Program - Coastal
Date Published: Mar 2017
Report ID: 52609
Audience: Government and Public
This report summarizes the monitoring activities of the Gates Creek Salmonid Habitat and Population Assessment. The project was funded by the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program. The Gates Creek Salmonid Habitat and Population Assessment primarily addresses the research and information acquisition action in the Bridge Seton Salmonid Action Plan by providing baseline population estimates for rearing salmonids in the Gates Creek watershed.
This report is broken into two chapters to accommodate the difference in methodologies used between the two field components of the project.
The Gates Creek Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Migration and Survival is the first chapter and discusses the final year of data collection for juvenile Sockeye Salmon that commenced in the spring of 2012. The chapter summarizes the abundance and survival estimates for Sockeye Salmon fry leaving Gates Creek and the Gates Creek spawning channel over the past five years with emphasis on the data collected in the spring of 2016.
The second chapter, the Gates Creek Juvenile Salmonid Assessment presents the results of the first year of a proposed four-year open site electrofishing mark-recapture survey for juvenile Coho Salmon, Bull Trout and Rainbow Trout. Fish density for age 0+ Rainbow Trout and catch statistics for Coho Salmon and Bull Trout juveniles are provided in this chapter.
Report Type
Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information |
Fish Species - Bull Trout - Salvelinus confluentus |
Fish Species - Coho Salmon - Oncorhynchus kisutch |
Fish Species - Rainbow Trout - Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Fish Species - Sockeye Salmon - Oncorhynchus nerka |
Region - Thompson-Nicola |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Stock Assessment |
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