Report: Discovery Islands Ecosystem Mapping
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The Discovery Islands Ecosystem Mapping (DIEM) is a Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI) that encompasses the Discovery Islands archipelago of 72,000 terrestrial hectares (Quadra, Cortes, Read, Maurelle, Sonora, Stuart, the Redondas and the Rendezvous Islands. The SEI was created largely from themes based on existing Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) and Vegetation Resource Inventory (VRI) data and from Predictive models using ArcSIE software. Biophysical enduring features were also mapped.
Author: Eve Flager and Ryan Durand
Old Reference Number: NA
Old Reference System: BAPID
Date Published: Mar 2016
Report ID: 52647
Audience: Government and Public
The Discovery Islands Ecosystem Mapping (DIEM) is a Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI) of the Discovery Islands archipelago (72,000 hectares) including Quadra, Cortes, Read, Maurelle, Sonora, Stuart, the Redondas and Rendezvous Islands. The SEI was themed on existing Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) and Vegetation Resource Inventory (VRI) data and from Predictive models using ArcSIE software. Biophysical enduring features were also mapped.
It is a community-based project initiated by residents of Read and Cortes Islands. The project received support from scientists, government, citizens and community organizations.
SEI themes on TEM mapping followed the Standard for Mapping Ecosystems at Risk in British Columbia (RISC 2006). Field surveys were completed at survey intensity level 4 with a goal of 20% or more of the polygons sampled. Sampling followed the Field Guide to Describing Ecosystems in the Field (MOF 2010) Mapping is presented at 1:20 000 scale.
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