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Report: Fish Inventory within the Nechako River Basin; 2022; PG22-738236

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This is the third year of a juvenile fish inventory project that is part of a joint UNBC / School District (SD) 91, Nechako Lakes collaborative project, known as the Koh-Learning in our Watersheds: Transforming education by connecting students, communities, and waterways. We used minnow traps to examine the presence, presence-not detected of juvenile fish in a number of tributaries of the Nechako River Watershed.

Author:  UNBC

Date Published:  Jan 2023

Report ID:  61202

Audience:  Government and Public

This minnow-trapping project is part of joint UNBC/ School District (SD) 91 an educational program known as the Koh-Learning in our Watersheds: Transforming education by connecting students, communities and waterways. The goals of this project threefold: to support and enhance the outdoor learning outcomes of students in SD 91; to provide baseline information related to juvenile fish in streams in the Nechako River Basin (NRB); and because it is also paired with joint UNBC/SD 91 project that is using environmental DNA (eDNA) to examine the distribution of juvenile salmonids in a selected number of streams in the NRB, the results help corroborate eDNA signals that were detected in selected streams. This is the third year of this specific project. Sampling for this project took place on the following water bodies: Dog, Nine Mile, Ormond, Tatsutnai, Nahounli, Sowchea, Clear, Knight, Moss, Murray, as well as the Necoslie River. Overall, we caught a total of 486 individuals from seven different species (Chinook Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Lake Chub, Northern Pikeminnow, Redside Shiner, Sucker sp. and Prickly Sculpin). Of these we caught 59 chinook salmon (4 of the 11 creeks) and 76 rainbow trout (8 of the 11 creeks).

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Fish Species - Chinook Salmon - Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
  Fish Species - Lake Chub - Couesius plumbeus
  Fish Species - Northern Pikeminnow - P. oregonensis
  Fish Species - Prickly Sculpin - Cottus asper
  Fish Species - Rainbow Trout - Oncorhynchus mykiss
  Fish Species - Redside Shiner - Richardsonius balteatus
  Fish Species - Suckers (General) - Catostomus spp.
  Region - Omineca
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Fish Inventory
  Watershed Groups - 180 - Nechako

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